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In the era of globalisation, it is indeed a reality that no nation can remain isolated and still survive. The increasing aspirations of the people for...
4 min read
“Comparisons are odious’’ especially, when we are to compare an abstract feeling like happiness of the modern person, with their ancestors. In this ar...
5 min read
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men…”, said Lord Acton, aptly summing up what...
4 min read
Since last many days, a hundred and eighty nations square measure within the same line of threat by the fateful Coronavirus pandemic or the COVID-19. ...
8 min read
The digital economy has been getting a lot of attention, with increasingly strong headlines offering apocalyptic as well as breathtakingly exciting sc...
3 min read
The year 2020 began a bleak note, with an obscure virus (SARS-CoV-2) fanning out through countries quickly, carrying the entire world to a stop. We as...
4 min read
A thought that makes life the liveliest is the idea of ‘memento mori’ which means ‘Remember that you must die.’ The fact that mortality is the ultimat...
5 min read
“Newspapers always excite curiosity. No one ever lay down one without a feeling of disappointment,” said Charles Lamb. It is the art of generating cur...
4 min read
The dawn of the new millennium has thrown up a plethora of new career opportunities that were hitherto unknown to us. They have made the task of choos...
4 min read
Studies and politics are diametrically opposite attributes. A student is expected to commit his time and attention to education, rather than involving...
4 min read
This article warns that “the hectic pace of modern life has a detrimental effect on the human spirit.” Modern man has no time to spend free time in th...
4 min read
“Religion is never the problem; it’s the people who use it to gain power.” said Julian Casablancas, aptly picturing the current status of the world. M...
4 min read
To pose such a portentous question as the above, could be only attributed to a cynic, who does not view God in the proper perspective. It could stem f...
4 min read
“For each according to his abilities. To each according to his needs,” said Karl Marx, the architect of the communist revolution that swept across con...
4 min read
Everywhere you turn, love is in the air. Even on The Bachelor, every exit interview reveals a raw glimpse into how it seems we’re all searching for l...
6 min read
Acts of violence committed in the name of religion or due to matters related to religion have made religious intolerance an issue of debate in recent ...
4 min read
“If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?” A term that was derided and abandoned a decade ago has come roaring back to life...
4 min read
The misled behaviour of today’s youth ignites in me the urge to put forth my views on the currently burning issue, ’Juvenile Delinquency.’ Yes, my dea...
3 min read
Very delicately and gradually, a larva transforms into a pupa. It then comes out of its shell and faces the fresh air and the moist ground for the fir...
7 min read