Sania Ansari is a student pursuing English Literature at Jamia Millia Islamia.
Up until the 70s, witch hunts, also known as witch trials or witch purges were legal in many parts of the world, including the most developed nations ...
5 min read
With unconventional roles that were somewhat fiercely individual, Babi broke from the stereotype of the “good woman” who was often rescued or accepted...
5 min read
A recent study about the hike in Child Pornography viewership during Quarantine makes us think about the fetishization of young women in pop culture. ...
5 min read
Choosing to remain deaf to the ongoing political revolutions in the country doesn’t make you apolitical but in turn puts you on the side of the oppres...
5 min read
It’s 15th of December when thousands of localites took onto the streets to protest against the NRC and CAA in a display of civil resistance. Little di...
7 min read
We have grown up watching our moms glued to the television sets at around 2 in the afternoon, laughing and crying with Tulsi and Mihir in Saas Bhi Kab...
6 min read
Even in the 21st century, we choose blissful ignorance over identifying ways in which the government fleeced our ancestors, and still continues to do ...
5 min read