Yusuf Aziz is a student pursuing English Literature from Jamia Millia Islamia.
Abbas Kiarostami’s ‘Taste of Cherry’ is one of his most renowned works which was released in 1997. In the midst of heavy censorship in the Iranian ent...
8 min read
In this day and age of television when there’s an ocean full of shows, series and mini-series with varying genre, what we need the most is something t...
7 min read
Seigan Shōtetsu is a forgotten Japanese poet from late fourteenth-fifteenth century. Even after losing more than 30,000 of his poems in a tragedy, he ...
3 min read
Zen, a school of Buddhism, is full of philosophies that should be adopted by each and every human being. Wabi-Sabi (侘寂) is a world view, which is cent...
4 min read
The “Midnight Gospel” on Netflix is a show that surpasses the likes, “BoJack Horseman“, in many ways. I recently binged the entirety of the show and I...
4 min read
Shashi Tharoor and Sadanand Dhume are not bigots and anti-Islam, instead they are sensible liberals who know how to stand in this fight for secularism...
6 min read
Indian Television Entertainment is at its lowest and Netflix India, Amazon Prime & Indian YouTube Shows are raising in popularity and viewership, day ...
5 min read
While the final season (part 2), airing 31st January 2020, of BoJack Horseman looms upon our heads, it is about time we tear apart this beautiful anim...
5 min read
15th of December will be registered as a black day in the history of Jamia Millia Islamia when the students of the university were subjected to barbar...
6 min read
Just when the world thought they had had enough of the ‘Italian-Mob’ based movies and shows, Martin Scorsese, The King of Crime genre, delivers us wit...
3 min read
As we have moved towards a new decade, it is high time to introspect the spiritual thread binding the people with other worldly power. Is it just an o...
8 min read
A country of 1.3 billion people that is engaged in producing students in ‘robotic’ form further constitutes to 20% of India’s population and 35% of wo...
7 min read